Sunday, August 30, 2009

Asides - Never Say Never

"Never say never, for if you live long enough, chances are you will not be able to abide by its restrictions. Never is a long, undependable time, and life is too full of rich possibilities to have restrictions placed upon it." - Gloria Swanson

This expression was first recorded in Charles Dickens's Pickwick Papers (1837), but Gloria perhaps was offering advice to her fellow actors and actresses.

Click on the images for a larger view.

Here is the March, 1933 issue of Movie Classic magazine (cover artist Marland Stone) , featuring the cover story "No Marriage For Me" Say Ten Women Stars." To be fair, the articles states that for some, it may be a possibility in the far far distant future. So, how well did it work out?

Dorothy Peterson - Never married (can't confirm)
Tala Birelli - Never married
Constance Cummings - Once (July 1933 - 4 months after publication)
Lupe Velez - Once (October 1933 - 8 months after publication)
Dorothy Jordan - Twice (May 1933 -2 months after publication)
Anita Page - Twice
Mary Brian - Twice
Maureen O'Sullivan - Twice
Sylvia Sidney - Three times
Myrna Loy - Four times

Publicity still - Consolation Marriage (1931).
Myrna knew the possible trials and tribulations through this film, said no to marriage in the article, but...I wonder if after each marriage she said, "never again."

Two earlier cautionary marriage tales.

Publicity still - Married Alive (1927) with Margaret Livingston
This is actually a comedy.

Publicity still - Trial Marriage (1929)
That is Thelma Todd on the left.

On the ironic cover of the Movie Classic, October 1931, two stories are featured.
First, "Mary (Pickford) and Doug (Fairbanks Jr.) Will Never Be Divorced!", and secondly, "Will Buddy Rogers Rival Rudy Vallee?" Of course the answer is that Buddy will not rival Rudy, but six years later, he will marry Mary after she divorces Doug. Oops.

I'll never do another post about this.


COCAMIA said...

Your blog is a Gem!

Vanwall said...

Ha! Tidy little conclusion. When's the next installment of this series?

Artistvermont said...

Love it!